What We Do

Our work involves the preservation and protection of the water and the land of Clearwater Bay.  We work hard to ensure just and fair discourse with stakeholders so all can benefit from the bounty of Clearwater Bay for generations to come.

Our Vision

Our desire for the future

We envision the watershed of Clearwater Bay as a healthy, sustainable and biodiverse ecosystem for the benefit of all, now and for future generations

Our Mission

Objectives and approach

Our mandate is to work to preserve, protect, sustain and promote the ecosystems of Clearwater Bay, Ontario.

Why It Matters

Our activities and decisions are guided by three objectives

Promote lake trout habitat and support the protection of the Clearwater Bay ecosystems
Work cooperatively with all stakeholders to ensure a balance exists between the preservation of the Clearwater Bay ecosystems and the sustainable resource management of the surrounding forests.
Identify and publicly communicate instances where the interests of the Foundation or Clearwater Bay ecosystems are at risk due to external activities, policies, laws, regulations or other initiatives

Our Pillars


The Clearwater Bay Stewardship Foundation works to defend the ecosystems and support the preservation of life at Clearwater Bay. 

We believe that to sustain the ecosystem of CWB, the surrounding forests on private and Crown land are vital to preventing excess toxic nutrients from flowing into the water.

We are working to ensure the Restricted Area Order strategy continues to be prioritized by the Ontario government and the fragile habitat remains protected. 

We are the voice for the endangered and threatened species of Clearwater Bay so that their habitats can be protected from clearcut logging.

We are working to spread the word of the potential threats of the FMP on the forests along the Clearwater Bay watershed and in the Restricted Area.

Every voice counts.

Become a member for $50 and help protect Clearwater.

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